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Earlier in the romantic gardens of the 19th century, (wealthy) people had gazebos in their gardens; small fine pavilions in classical Greek style, a Norwegian log cabin or a building shaped like a Chinese tea house - where you could sit and dream yourselves on a journey around the world…. like nowadays when we are cut off from traveling due to viruses.
Where would we dream about traveling today?
Together with citizens; children and their families we made an interpretation of housing under foreign skies. In the Åløkke-forest we made a "round trip" to 5 continents: Asia, Africa, South America, North America and Oceania.

As the cabin project for us is like a meaningful game, the rapid growth in the cities in the developing countries creates a series of consequences with extreme poverty, where a lot of people live still in simple cabins, that keep neither water nor cold out. With a distinction to their construction, we have built the cabins from natural materials such as branches, bamboo and clay, etc. and through this we seek to understand what is harsh reality for others.

The cabins are temporary. They were built in the spring and will be removed in the fall of 2021.
It is our hope that the cabins will become an attractive excursion destination for families with children as well as daycare institutions and provide many good and happy hours of outdoor activities.

The project has been carried out with support from Oplysningsforbundenes Lokalforeningspulje and Odense Kommune